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Sunday, October 20, 2013

About Ujucar

The Ujucar is a flying car. Its name is derived from the Spanish word azucar, meaning "sugar," in turn from the Korean word uju, meaning "universe," and the Latin word carrus, meaning "chariot." It is red, with blue doors, and a light-blue flying light.
I, Timothy Robert Carrington, am the driver of the Ujucar. This is its left row.

This is its right row.

These black buttons are its direction buttons. The white button makes Ujucar fire its weapons.

This flying car is 5256000 times faster than light.
 Ujucar is a space car, due to the prefix Uju-, which means "universe" in Korean. And this is the car that can go at six hundred light-years per hour, fast enough for an all-hour trip to Kepler 22b.

Monday, October 14, 2013

The United Religions

The United Religions is an idea that started on October 10, 2012, while I was making the first katakana dreidel. I found out the idea of a non-Jewish Hanukkah. There was also the idea of a non-Christian Christmas. But, I had a big idea! To unite all holidays! That meant that all religions must be together! No problem! I've invented a non-Jewish Hanukkah! But, what if somebody invented a non-Christian Christmas? The person's religion has to be other than Christianity, such as a Yutaejasosin, a descendant of the Jews.
This katakana dreidel was made on July 8, 2013. It is 0.25 years old.

Friday, October 11, 2013

$10^100 Is A Lot of Money!

A googol dollars is a lot of money! Compared to a vigintillion dollars. Or a decillion dollars. What is it in other languages?
In Korean, it's 무량대수 딸라 gumuryangdaesu dalleo. Etymology: From gu, meaning "hundred nonillion," and 무량대수 muryangdaesu, meaning "hundred unvigintillion."
In Japanese, it's 無量大数 ドル muryōtaisū doru. Etymology: From 溝 , meaning "hundred nonillion," and 無量大数 muryōtaisū, meaning "hundred unvigintillion."
In Hebrew, its גוגול דולר gugol dolr.
A lot of money!