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"Anti-Racist is a Code Word for Anti-Black"

Across one continent of the Earth Federation, one group of the Human race, African-Americans (Japanese: アフリカ系アメリカ人 Afurika-kei-Amerika-jin), or Negroids (ネグロイド Neguroido) have usually had a negative behavioral influence on us Eurasian-Americans (ユーラシア系アメリカ人 Yūrashia-kei-Amerika-jin), or Caucaso-Mongoloids (コーカソ=モンゴロイド Kōkaso-Mongoroido) to be exact. The black man is the devil, because it has spread the commitment of crime of making us be racists again by performing the following tasks:*

  • Thinking the word nigger to mean "friend" (because it is supposed to refer to an ignorant dark-skinned person, which it is/they are)
  • Starting and/or joining criminal gangs
  • Destroying buildings
  • Shoplifting
  • Murder
  • Robbery
  • Supporting the use of narcotics
  • Drug trafficking
  • Thinking and/or saying that white people are devils

The black man has committed all types of crimes except for hate crimes! These behaviors have led us to behaving like bigots! When people lose the things they truly love, whether Human or alien, their hearts break. Also, we are in a fight for our very survival, with support from the natives of Asia and/or their descendants against the usually evil black man, who in the same manner lives according to discrimination based upon its skin color, which is how IT is contributing to our bigotry towards them.
Anti-white is actually hatred of white Humans. It is NOT:

  • Non-white empowerment and/or privilege
  • Issues regarding non-whites
  • Saying no to a white
  • Disapproval of certain portrayals of whites
  • Nude or scantily clothed whites
  • Fair justice when a law is broken
  • Disapproval of another's skin color choices
  • A made-up concept or term
  • Something for whites to "suck up"
  • Equal rights for Humans of all skin colors
  • Putting up blacks only or no whites allowed signs
  • Thinking that all Humans originated in Africa
  • Equal pay for equal work
  • Impossible for a non-white to commit
  • Comedy when a joke is on a white
  • Refusing to identify as and/or disagreeing with a white rights activist
  • Feeling uncomfortable with skin color-related material
  • Equal treatment for Humans of all skin colors
  • Whatever else YOU want it to mean

Anti-whiteness, like all other forms of colorism, is a dangerous concept because even whites are part of the Human race, and it threatens to take its toll on the white skin tone. It is as part of the Human race as the white rhinoceros is a species of rhinoceros! Thinking all white people to be devils is like killing all white rhinoceroi! It is NOT cool!
We do not want to hear "I hate white people!" If you do not like it when we say "I hate black people," then stop saying the former yourself, because we shall NOT judge each other based upon the color of our skin, but the content of our character, and oppose all objects having to do with colorism! Africans are not evil, and they are mostly black as well. Also, Donald John Trump is white, but he is evil, because his behavior is like that of the stereotypical African-American!
We want to change Liberal views of our white man back to its pro-white days so that everyone's heritage will be universally accepted. We want European-Americans back into the Democratic Party.
Postscript: Do not live in the way that is according to discrimination that is based upon your skin color! It is not a very intelligent idea to think about!
*The reason we chose behavior over skin color as a way the black man is evil is because categories like the latter are social constructs, which therefore means that they are not part of the character of a person.

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