If you want to name your children after yourself or any one of your ancestors, consider the following terms:
Name suffix (Yamato: 名接尾辞 meisetsubiji):
These suffixes are usually used after the parent's real name; for example:
I or Senior (〜壹世 -Issei): Refers to the original holder of the name.
II or Junior (〜貳世 -Nisei): Refers to one of the children of the original holder of the name.
III (〜参世 -Sansei): Refers to one of the grandchildren of the name's original holder.
IV (〜肆世 -Shi-/Yonsei): Refers to one of the great-grandchildren of the preceeding name's original holder.
V (〜伍世 -Gosei): Refers to one of the second great-grandchildren of the name's original carrier.
X (〜(壹)拾世 -(Ichi-)jūsei): Refers to one of the seventh great-grandchildren of the original carrier of the name.
L (〜伍拾世 -Gojūsei): Refers to one of the forty-seventh great-grandchildren of the name's original owner.
C (〜(壹)佰世 -(Ip-)p/hyakusei): Refers to one of the ninety-seventh great-grandchildren of the original owner of the name.
D (〜伍佰世 -Gohyakusei): Refers to one of the 497th great-grandchildren of the name's original possessor.
M (〜(壹)阡世 -(Is-)sensei): Refers to one of the 997th great-grandchildren of the original possessor of the name.
These suffixes also apply to pseudonyms.
Name number (名数 meisū):
These go after the generational suffix to signify the child's birth order. Id est:
#1 (〜壹号 -Ichigō): Refers to the eldest child to possess a generational suffix, which means that it only refers to the eldest child in the family if all the children should go by a generational suffix. Subsequent siblings get higher numbers to distinguish their names from that of the eldest sibling.