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Monday, December 19, 2016

No Criminals in This Weblog!

This is a heroes-only weblog, which means that it's for law-abiding people only! No criminal should enter this weblog for this reason, and also because it's none of their business!
Notice to all criminals: The personal information in this weblog (whether it is of me or another good person) is none of your business, because it is for the law-abiding only!
        Whether you are a murderer, an identity thief, a hacker, a pirate, an embezzler, et cetera, any sensitive information of that person (such as name, address, birth date, death date, national origin, disability, and martial status) are to be kept heroes-only secrets, so don't commit crimes against them, especially with the Keir Power Triangle! Any examples, such as Krista and Nathan Keir were born on December 19, 1979 also fall under this category. Other romantic relationships, such as greater or lesser spouse (also called major or minor spouse) relationships, fall under this category as well.
power triangle is a romantic relationship where power is given between three spouses in a triangular pattern.
A greater (or major) spouse, usually the wife, is the spouse superior to the lesser (or minor) spouse.
Postscript: I don't want you criminals to steal any information on my weblog! Period!

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