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Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Eleven Important Society Types

annihilative (/əˈnaɪə.leɪ.tɪv/)
Intended to annihilate objects.

The Koreans believed that the types of behavior presented depended on the spirits and deities who presented them to the people, so they created five types of societies to aid in the prevention of sins:
The behavioral societies included the following:
Caring society, which aids in the prevention of destruction
Polite society, which aids in the prevention of poor etiquette
Possessive society, which aids in the prevention of theft
Supportive society, which aids in the prevention of crime
The electoral societies included:
Veracious society, which aids in the prevention of electing a fallacious leader  
The militarial societies included the following:
Annihilative society, which aids in the destruction of enemy settlements and settlers
Anti-terror society, which aids in the protection against terror
Protective society, which aids in the defense of allied settlements against enemies
The verbal societies included the following:
Anti-insultive society, which aids in the prevention of insults
Honest society, which aids in the prevention of lying and cheating
Situational society, which aids in the relation of words to a situation
"We are a people who speak the truth, act the truth, do the truth, and we live in the truth." -Suze Orman, host of the Money Class 

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