music player

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Social Constructs and Grades

African: A
European: A
Asian: A
Racist: F
Reason: The racist has been given an F because it believes that its own race(s) is/are superior to other races.
Male: A
Female: A
Sexist: F
Reason: The sexist was given an F because it believes its own gender(s) to be superior to other genders.
Auditory status
Hearing: A
Hard of hearing: A
Deaf: A
Audist: F
Reason: The audist's grade is an F because it holds the belief that its own auditory status(es) is/are superior to other auditory statuses.
Neurotypical: A
Autism: A
Attention Deficit Disorder: A
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder: A
Schizophrenia: A
Dystrophy: A
Atrophy: A
Belligerence Disorder: A
Dyslexia: A
Other: A
Ableist: F
Reason: The ableist gets an F because it believes its own disability/-ies to be superior to other disabilites.
Other legally protected categories
Native Citizen: A
Immigrant: A
Emigrant: A
Native Language: A
Foreign Language: A
Inhuman: A
Government: A
Grassroots: A
City Resident: A
Countryside Resident: A
High Status: A
Low Status: A
Discriminator: F
Reason: The discriminator is receiving an F because it holds the belief of its social construct(s) to be superior to other legally protected categories.

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