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Sunday, February 12, 2017

A Word to the Municipalities Visited by Timothy Robert Carrington

Woe unto thee, Co̱-lǔmˊ-bǔs! Woe unto thee, Reynoldsburg! Woe unto thee, Dǔbˊ-lǐn! Woe unto thee, Upper Ärˊ-lîng-to̱n! Woe unto thee, Clintonville! Woe unto thee, Hilliard! Woe unto thee, Northland! Woe unto thee, Easton! Woe unto thee, Gǎ-hǎnˊ-nǎ! Woe unto thee, Pǎ-tǎsˊ-kǎ-lǎ! Woe unto thee, Powell! Woe unto thee, Franklinton! Woe unto thee, Worthington! Woe unto thee, Ō-bětz̥ˊ! Woe unto thee, Po̱-lâˊ-rǐs! Woe unto thee, Westerville! Woe unto thee, Grove City! Woe unto thee, Pickerington! Woe unto thee, C̣ǐn-c̣ǐn-nǎˊ-tî! Woe unto thee, New Älˊ-bǎ-nŷ! Woe unto thee, Canal Winchester! Woe unto thee, Lǐ-thǒˊ-po̱-lǐs! Woe unto thee, Plain City! Woe unto thee, Brice! And woe unto thee, Lǎnˊ-cǎs-těr!
The marks reveal how the sound the letters should receive.

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