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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Four-Level World System

"From the prehistory to the Three Kingdoms era, it is thought that Koreans didn't believe in heaven and hell—they believed in the 'Next Life' which was slightly better than the one here and had no particular location or place. It was not in a particular time, but out of the realm of time itself." -Korean mythology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Even if the prehistoric Koreans were thought to have disbelief in heaven and hell, they had their own special names for these places to ensure that they were always correct. Those names are:
Earth: The earth is the lowest level in this system, with an ocean of lava being its core.
Black seas of infinity: Outer space. It is the realm of planets, stars, galaxies, comets, universes, and aliens. It is called black seas of infinity because of the prehistoric Korean belief in evil space pirates. This term was later used by Howard Phillips Lovecraft.
Verge of eternity: The "wall of clouds" connecting the black seas of infinity to the domain of the deities. It is an infinite distance from the earth and is also known as the mists of time.
Domain of the deities: The highest level in this system. It houses the deities, as well as the Holy Scoundrel and the Sacred Villainess, who are parent to all crimes. Angels and angel killers also live there, but are opposed to each other. In the dark side, there are also sanctuaries of crime.
So there you have it; there are four levels of reality. Note that the Hebrews believed that there were floodgates and water connecting space to the realm of the deities, but they were incorrect, because of the information explained earlier.
Postscript: The Bible's opinions aren't always correct, and neither are those of the Samgungnyusa.

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