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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Sixty-Four Points of the Compass

There are very, very many points of the compass, but we show only 64 of them:
One symbol (100% cardinal)
N: north
E: east
S: south
W: west
Two symbols (50% cardinal)
NW: northwest
NE: northeast
SW: southwest
SE: southeast
Three symbols (25% cardinal)
WNW: west-northwest
NNW: north-northwest
NNE: north-northeast
ENE: east-northeast
ESE: east-southeast
SSE: south-southeast
SSW: south-southwest
WSW: west-southwest
Four symbols (12.5% cardinal)
WWNW: west-west-northwest (also named west by north)
NWNW: north-west-northwest (also named northwest by west)
WNNW: west-north-northwest (also named northwest by north)
NNNW: north-north-northwest (also named north by west)
NNNE: north-north-northeast (also named north by east)
ENNE: east-north-northeast (also named northeast by north)
NENE: north-east-northeast (also named northeast by east)
EENE: east-east-northeast (also named east by north)
EESE: east-east-southeast (also named east by south)
SESE: south-east-southeast (also named southeast by east)
ESSE: east-south-southeast (also named southeast by south)
SSSE: south-south-southeast (also named south by east)
SSSW: south-south-southwest (also named south by west)
WSSW: west-south-southwest (also named southwest by south)
SWSW: south-west-southwest (also named southwest by west)
WWSW: west-west-southwest (also named west by south)
Five symbols (6.25% cardinal)
WWWNW: west-west-west-northwest
NWWNW: north-west-west-northwest
WNWNW: west-north-west-northwest
NNWNW: north-north-west-northwest
WWNNW: west-west-north-northwest
NWNNW: north-west-north-northwest
WNNNW: west-north-north-northwest
NNNNW: north-north-north-northwest
NNNNE: north-north-north-northeast
ENNNE: east-north-north-northeast
NENNE: north-east-north-northeast
EENNE: east-east-north-northeast
NNENE: north-north-east-northeast
ENENE: east-north-east-northest
NEENE: north-east-east-northeast
EEENE: east-east-east-northeast
EEESE: east-east-east-southeast
SEESE: south-east-east-southeast
ESESE: east-south-east-southeast
SSESE: south-south-east-southeast
EESSE: east-east-south-southeast
SESSE: south-east-south-southeast
ESSSE: east-south-south-southeast
SSSSE: south-south-south-southeast
SSSSW: south-south-south-southwest
WSSSW: west-south-south-southwest
SWSSW: south-west-south-southwest
WWSSW: west-west-south-southwest
SSWSW: south-south-west-southwest
WSWSW: west-south-west-southwest
SWWSW: south-west-west-southwest
WWWSW: west-west-west-southwest

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